What is a preposition?
A preposition is very important and necessary part of the sentence that indicates route, place, or time, or introduces an object. Preposition is often used after the object, a noun, noun phrase or pronoun. Similarly, prepositions are the words that connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence.

The frequently used preposition are at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, with. However, besides these there are some others or common prepositions are about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, inside, into, outside, since, until, up, within, etc.

1. I prefer to read in my home. میں اپنے گھر میں پڑھنا بہتر سمجھتا ہوں 
2. He climbed up the ladder to reach the tree. وہ سیڑھی پر چڑھا تاکہ درخت تک پہنچ جائے 
3. Please put your name on the dotted line. مہربانی کرکے اپنا نام شکستہ قطار میں لکھیں 
4. She swims across the swimming pool. وہ پورے تلاب میں تیرتی ہے 
5. Take your friend with you. اپنے دوستوں کو ساتھ لے لو 

Sentences with common prepositions.

1. The glass in on the table. گلاس میزپر ہے 
2. The television is on the long table ٹیلی ویزن لمبی میز پر ہے 
3. The manager is at the seat. منیجر اپنی نشست پر ہے 
4. There is white color on the desk. میز پر سفید رنگ ہے 
5. Mother is sitting at the door. ماں دروازے پر بیٹھی ھے 
6. We will see you at club. ہم تمھیں کلب میں ملے گے 
7. She is coming into the living room. وہ لوننگ روم میں آرہی ہے 
8. John and Smith are reading in the room. جان اور سمتھ کمرے میں پڑھ رہے ہیں 
9. She will pour some more coffee into the cup. وہ پیالی میں کچھ اور کافی ڈالے گی 
10. Tourist swims in the river.  سیاح دریا میں تہر رہے ہیں 
11. They sit on the green bench وہ سبزرنگ کے بنچ پر بیٹھے ہیں 
12. Please sit in the armchair. مہربانی کر کے بازوں والی کرسی میں بیٹھں 
13. Put it at the big table. اس کو بڑی میز پر رکھ دیں 
14. Insert the CD into the computer. کمپیوٹرکےاند ڈالیںcd 
15. She went into her sister's house. وہ اپنی بہن کے گھرگئی 
16. The parcel was delivered by courier service. پارسل کوریر سروس کے زریعے بھیجا گیا 
17. Please translate this paragraph into French. مہربانی کرکے اس پیرا گراف کو فرنچ میں ترجمعہ کریں 
18. Judge the people by their commitment.  لوگوں کوان کے قول کے زریعے پہچانیں 
19. He fills the bottle with fresh water. اس نے بوتل کو تازے پانی سے بھر دیا 
20. She stands beside her husband.  وہ اپنے خاوند کساتھ کھڑی ہے 

Sentences with more prepositions.

1. He keeps his bicycle beside car. اس نے اپنی سائیکل کار کے ساتھ رکھی ہے 
2. Please divide the toffees between Sara and John. مہربانی کرکے ٹافیا ں سارا اور جان کے درمیان تقسیم کردیں 
3. The city is among the beautiful hills. شہر خوبصورت پہاڑوں کے درمیان ھے 
4. Bill is the man of principles. بل اصولوں کا آدی ھے 
5. There is bridge over the Hooghly river. ہگلی دریا کے اوپر پل ہے 
6. Hit the ball over this wall. اس گیند کو دیوار کساتھ مارو 
7. Dove is flying over the river. فاختہ دریا کے اوپرسے اڑ رہی ہے 
8. The swimmers are under the bridge. تیراک پل کے نیچے ہیں 
9. John is standing between Smith and Kim. جان ا ۔ سمتھ اورکم کے درمیا ن کھڑاہے 
10. Smith is in front of restaurant.  سمتھ ریسٹورنٹ کے درمیا ن کھڑاہے 
11. Kim is sitting behind the car. کم گاڑی کے پھیچے بیٹھا ہوا ہے 
12. She is in the room. وہ کمرے میں ھے 
13. The coin is in his pocket. سکہ اس کی جیب میں ھے 
14. Boats are in the sea. کشتیاں سمندرمیں ہیں 
15. Who is inside the hall? ہال کے اندرکون ھے 

Most common prepositions used in English
1. Of
Examples: He is the funnest member of the crew.
2. In
Examples: He lives in New York city.
3. To
Examples: The bus was going from London to Manchester.
4. For
Examples: The bungalow is for Queen.
5. With
Examples: She is with her friend.
6. On
Examples: The book is on the chair.
7. At
Examples: The lunch is at Royal hotel
8. From
Examples: They are coming straight from France.
9. By
Examples: The garden is situated by the bus stand.
10. About
Examples: She is about to reach.
11. As
Examples: John was disturbed as he could not win the final game.
12. Into
Examples: The car enters into the long tunnel.
13. Like
Examples: None can perform in music like Smith.
14. After
Examples: She resigns her job after one month.
15. Over
Examples: The bird is flying over the building.