The English language is a fantastic language, but at the same time, it is very complicated and tricky specifically in its spellings. There are hundreds of rules and regulations for grammar and spelling. English words are different in writing, but different in sound or pronunciation. The silent letters in words play important role in pronunciation. Here are few interesting rules, regulations about silent letters.

Silent letters
The silent letter is letters that are not pronounced during the speech but written in words. Silent letters have two main categories like auxiliary and dummy.

Auxiliary silent letters
Auxiliary silent letters produce a special sounds just as 'ph' usually give the sound of 'f' However; this is not a true silent letter. In the endocentric combinations the double consonant like 'ff' in the word 'huffed' is a fantastic example of this kind and only one 'f' is pronounced.

Dummy silent letters
This type of letter is not pronounced like 'resign', the 'g' is not pronounced, but in the word 'signature', the 'g' gives a noise. The silent 'k' in the words 'knack', knead, Knee, similarly, 'h' is silent in honest. Examples of few examples of silent letters like 'b' in comb, 'c' in acquire, 'd' in edge, 'g' in sign, 'h' in honest, 'k' in know, 'l' in walk, etc.

Silent letters list
Silent A
Artistically, logically, musically, romantically, stoically
Silent B
Limb, dumb, comb, thumb, tomb, debt, doubt, bomb, lamb, plumb.
Silent C
Muscle, scissors, ascent, fascinate, acknowledge, ascent, crescent, descent, disciple, muscle.
Silent D
Wednesday, pledge, hedge, sandwich, handsome.
Silent E
Hope, gave, hide, giraffe, cassette.

Silent G
Champagne, foreign, design, align, assign, cologne.
Silent H
Thought, through, daughter, weigh, why, architect, character, chemical, chemist, echo, ghost, scheme, school, stomach, anchor, archives, choreograph, chorus, Christmas, when, where, which, white.
Silent K
Knack, knead, knee, knife, know, knowledge, knew, knife, knit, knock, knot, know.
Silent L
Would, should, half, talk, yolk
Silent P
Psychology, pneumonia, coup, psalm.
Silent S
Debris, isle, islander, islet,
Silent T
Bristle, castle, listen, often.
Silent N
Autumn, column, government.
Silent U
Biscuit, build, guess, guitar, built, circuit, guard, guest.
Silent W
Playwright, wrack, wrap, wrestle, write.

Silent letters at the beginning of the words
pseudoephedrine, psilophyte, wrench, wrested, writing, written, writ, wrought, wrangler|, wrestling, wrest, psychrotrophic, psychrometer, wrist, honest, psalm, wrap, who, wrinkle, psychology, psychic, pneumonia, herb, honor, hour, knight, knee, knob, czar.