English language has fantastic construction and it has eight parts of speech like noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech play important role and indicate the word functions, meaning and grammatically correctness. It is necessary for the correct English writing and speaking. The followings are major parts of speech in English.

1. Noun
Noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
1. Person: Teacher, driver, student, boy, girl, etc.
2. Place: Town, college, airport, city, etc.
3. Things: Table, bell, bed, book, pen, car, etc.

There are three kinds of noun like
1. Common noun
2. Proper noun
3. Collective noun

2. Pronoun:
Pronoun is the word that is used in the place of noun to avoid the repetition of noun.
: He, she, it, I, we, you, they. Similarly there many other pronouns in list like my, our, your, their, him, her, they, whom, whose, which, what, who.

 John is a student, he reads in class seventh and he is nice boy. جان ایک طالبعلم ھے ۔ وہ ساتویں جماعت میں پڑھتا ھے اور وہ اچھا لڑکا ھے 
 Sara is little girl, she is playing her dolls. سارا ایک چھوٹی لڑکی ھے اور وہ اپنی گڑیوں کے ساتھ کھیل رہی ھے 

3. Verb:
Verb is an action word in the sentence that explains what the subject is doing.
Examples:  Eat, jump, sing, run, shout, drink, etc.

 John eats his meal quickly. جان اپنا کھانا جلدی سے کھاتا ہے 
 We went to the mosque. ہم مسجد گئے تھے 
 You write neatly on white board. تم صاف لکھتے ہو سفید بورڈپر 
 John accepted the job offer from employer. جان نے کاروبار کے مالک کی نو کری قبول کرلی 
 The dog sat by the window. کتا کھڑکی کساتھ بیٹھا تھا 

There are three kinds of verbs:
1. Action verbs
2. Modal verbs
3. Auxiliary verbs

4. Adjective:
Adjective is a describing word it indicates the quality of noun like good or bad.
Good, Excellent, bad, fat, thin, clean, neat, loud, sharp, dull, etc.
Adjective has three degrees like positive degree, comparative degree and superlative degree. For example, tall, taller and tallest. Similarly, Bad, worse and worst.

 He lives in a beautiful house. وہ خوبصورت گھر میں رہتاہے 
 This egg is not edible. یہ انڈہ کھانے کے قابل نہیں 
 She wore a beautiful shirt. اس لڑکی نے اچھی سی قمیض پہنی ہے 
 Smith's hair is gorgeous. ستھ کے بال اچھے ہیں 
 This store is much nicer. یہ سٹور بہت اچھا ہے 

5. Adverb:
Adverb is word that qualify the meaning of a word to which it is attached.


 He came quickly. وہ جلدی سے آیا تھا 
 She worked well. اس نے بہت اچھا کام کے 
 She cooks soon. وہ جلد پکائے گی 
 Sara spoke softly. سارا نے نرمی سے بولا تھا 
 John plays the flute beautifully. جان بہت اچھی بانسری بجاتا ہے 

The underlined words are adverbs those increasing the meaning of the sentence.


6. Preposition:
Preposition indicates the relation, position of noun, pronoun with the rest of the sentence.
Examples: At, in, on, with, of, for, into, from, etc.

 Today we are going to visit. آج ہم سیر کےلیے جا رہے ہیں 
 At ten thirty we sing. دس بجے ہم گائیں گے 
 In the evening. شام میں ۔ شام کے وقت 
 Sara lost her ring at the beach. سارا نے اپنی انگوٹھی ساحل پر کھو دی 
 He was sitting by the tree. وہ درخت کے قریب بیٹھا تھا 

7. Conjunction:
Conjunction is word that connects two words or clauses in sentence.

Examples: And, as, because, but, for, just as, neither, nor, not only, so, whether, yet

 I purchase a pencil and a copy. میں نے ایک پنسل اورکاپی خریدی 
 John and Smith went to study. جان اور ستھ پڑھائی کےلئے گئے 
 She is old, but an active lady.  وہ بوڑھی مگر چاک وچوبند خاتون ہے 
 I’d like a bike for commuting to work. مجھے اپنے کام پرجانے کےلیے ایک موٹرسائیکل چائیے 
 Neither the black dress nor the gray one looks nice نہ تو سیاہ لباس اور نہ ھی سلیٹی لباس اچھا لگتا ہے 

8. Interjection:
An interjection is a word that shows a strong emotion or an excitement or sudden feeling of mind. An interjection is followed by the sign of exclamation.
Examples: Joy, happiness, sorrow or surprise.

 Hurrah! We have won the match.  بہت خوب ہم نے میچ جیب لیا 
 Alas! I am undone.  افسوس میں نہیں کر سکا 
 Oh! What a lovely garden. آیا ۔ کیا خوبصورت باغ ہے 
 Ahh! that feels wonderful. آہ ۔ بہت اچھا لگ ربا ہے 
 Congrats! You finally got your master's degree  مبارک ہوں تم نے آخر ماسٹر ڈگری حاصل کرلی