The conversation is necessary to convey your views or information to others. However, conversation has few basic rules and regulation those are necessary for informal and formal conversation. There are few fundamental tips and tricks for positive and beneficial conversation. It is necessary for the conversation participants that they must be aware about the basics of conversation. Conversation is usually started with few greetings phrases or words and similarly ends with some specific phrases. It is necessary for the students and other English learner that they must be aware about these techniques and phrases. The followings are some vital conversation tips and phrases used in positive conversation.

Essential description of conversation:
Conversation has different parts start from greetings and end on good-bye. The conversation is basically way of communication or sharing your view with friends or other people. Conversation is source of information, details, description and updates. In conversation generally we discuss current situation and previous events. However, after informal or formal greetings then conversation starts. If you meet someone first time in your life, then say

“Hello or hi, my name is Harry, glad to meet you.”
In response to this greeting you have to reply in this way like.
"It's a pleasure meeting you” or informally "Same from my side my name is Jack."

How are you? Hi, "What's going on?"
In these situations there are numbers of choices to answer like.
I’m quite superb or I’m nice.
Similarly, I’m all right, I’m fantastic, etc. Similarly, we can response with negative sentence if situation is not in our favor like I’m not good.

Indigenous spokesperson usually asks “How are you?” but it is also used.”What’s up?” or "What is taking place," These sentences describe current situations.
The reply is usually "Not much", "Nothing", "Alright" etc.

However, after these basic questions and answers the conversation ahead through these sentences like

1. "Where do you come from?"  تم کہاں سے آئے ہو
2. "Where you come from?"  آپ کا تعلق کہاں سے ہیں
3. "Nice to meet you too and where do you live? "  آپ سے مل کر خوشی ہوئی، آپ کہاں رہتے ہیں
4. I’m from the United Kingdom.  میں یونائیڈ کنگڈم سے ہوں
5. I live in London city.   میں لندن شہرمیں رہتا ہوں

As closing remarks at the end of the conversation the participants say thanks."Nice to meet you". In response to this statement you have to answer in this way like "It's a pleasure meeting you as well" or informally "Same here." The participant of conversation can use their name after the sentence like "Nice to meet you Jack"
1. "Where do you come from?"
2. "Where you come from?"
3. "Nice to meet you too and where do you live? "
 The usual reply is:
4. I’m from the United Kingdom.  
5. I live in London city. 

Routine conversation between two individuals.

Jack: Hello! Or Hi

 ہیلو ،ہا ئے

Harry: Hi 

 ہا ئے

Jack: I am jack or my name is jack and what is your name please?

 میرا نام جیک ہے اور آپ کا کیا نا م ہے پلیز

Harry: My name is Harry.

 میرا نا م ہیری ہے

Jack: I am from the United States and where from you?

 میں یو نا ئیڈ سٹیٹ سے ہو ں اور آپ کا تعلق کہا ں سے ہے

Harry: I am from England.

 میرا تعلق انگلینڈ سے ہے

Jack: I am residing in California in the USA and where do you live in England.

 میں امریکہ میں کیلی فو رنیا شہر میں رہتا ہوں اور آپ انگلینڈمیں کہا ں رہتے ہو

Harry: I live in peripheries of London.

 میں لندن کے قریب رہتا ہوں

Jack: Nice to meet you Harry

 ہیری تم سے مل کر خو شی ہوئی

Harry: Same from my side Jack

 جیک مجھے بھی بہت خو شی ہوئی

Jack: Goodbye! See you la.ter

 خدا خافظ ، پھر ملیں گے

Harry: Goodbye!

 خدا خا فظ

Routine conversation between two individuals.
Jack: Hello! Or Hi
Harry: Hi
Jack: I am jack or my name is jack and what is your name please?
Harry: My name is Harry.
Jack: I am from the United States and where from you?
Harry: I am from England.
Jack: I am residing in California in the USA and where do you live in England.
Harry: I live in peripheries of London.
Jack: Nice to meet you Harry.
Harry: Same from my side Jack.
Jack: Goodbye! See you la.ter
Harry: Goodbye!

Familiar exclamations used in Conversation:
An exclamation is also known as interjection is word that indicate strong emotion or excitements like shock, joy, or anger. Exclamations have its own meaning and followed by an exclamation mark instead of full stop for example how wonderful! An exclamation is also used to convey greetings or congratulations like Hello! Well done, boys! The followings are few prominent exclamations used in conversation.



Come on 



Big deal





My goodness 

















Dear me

No way 



