Use of Shall and will
Currently will is frequently use even in the place of shall, but grammatically will and shall have their own specific uses. Shall is used when the subject is I or We just as.
1. I shall write on Friday.
2. We shall visit you tomorrow.

However, will is used for other subjects like he, she, it, you.
1. He will be here soon.
2. She will cook rice.
3. You will travel next morning.
4. It will rain tomorrow.       

Future indefinite tense conversation.
John: Will you write this essay again? کیا تم یہ مضمون دوبارہ لکھو گے 
Kim: Yes, I shall.  ہاں میں ایسا کروں گا 
John: Will you visit me next week? کیا تم اگلے مہینے میری طرف آوَ گے 
Kim: Yes, I shall. Or I will. ہاں میں آءوں گا 
John: Will you join us in party? کیا تم ہماری پارٹی میں آو گے 
Kim: No, I will go back in first flight. نہیں میں پہلی پرواز سے واپس جاوَ گا 
John: Will you visit Sara house? کیا تم سارا کے گھر جاؤں گا 
Kim: Yes, I will in the morning. ہاں میں صبح جاوَں گا 
John: Will your family join you at your birthday party? کیا تماری گھر والے تھاری سالگرہ پر آئیں گے 
Kim: Yes, they will. ہاں وہ آئیں گے 

Use of Shall be and will be.
Shall be and will be are used for future contentious tense. Similarly, shall be is used with subjects like I and We, but others subject use will be. However, in current English only will be is used frequently even instead of shall be.
1. I will be taking your photographs with digital camera.
2. We will be waiting for you at our home.
3. They will be flaying their kites.
4. She will not be teaching on Saturday.
5. You will be singing at your club.

Use of shall be and will be in conversation.

Smith: Will you be in the shop at this moment tomorrow? کیا آپ کل اس وقت دکان پر ہوں گے؟ 
Bob: Yes, I will be doing my packing work ہاں ، میں اپنے پیکنگ کا کام کروں گا 
Smith: Will they not be singing at this time next morning? کیا وہ اگلی صبح اس وقت گا نہیں رہے ہوں گے 
Bob: Yes, they will be. ہاں وہ ایسا کر رہے ہوں گے 
Smith: Will she be in her class in morning session on Monday? کیا وہ پیر کے دن اپنی جماعت میں صبح کے وقت ہو گیَ 
Bob: No, she will not be there due to her appointment. نہیں وہ وہاں نہیں ہو گئی اپنی مضروقت کی وجہ سے 

Use of shall have and will have.
Shall have and will have used in future perfect tenses. We use will have in sentences when we are counting back from a specific time in the future.
1. We will have just one day to complete the task.
2. May I have your name please?
3. She may have a new book.
4. By this time tomorrow, I shall have reached the station.

 Shall have and will have conversation

Kim: Will you have come back from your village by next week? کیا تم اگلے ہفتے تک اپنے گاوں سے واپس آچکے ہو گے 
John: Yes, I will have come back at that time. ہاں اس وقت تک میں واپس آچکا ہوں گا 
Kim: Will you have taken your pictures this week? کیا تم اس ہفتہ اپنی تصاو یرلے لو گے 
John: Yes, I will have taken my picture. ہاں میں اپنی تصاویرلے چکا ہوں گا 
Kim: Will your sister have returned from college? کیا تمھاری بہن کالج سے واپس آچکی ہو گی 
John: No, she won’t have.  نہیں وہ نہیں آچکی ہو گی 

Use of shall have been and will have been.
The future perfect continuous tense indicate action will have been completed at some point in the future.
1. In October, he will have been studying at this college for one year.
2. When she turns forty, she will have been knitting for fifteen years.

Shall have been and will have been in conversation

Smith: Will you have been writing your essay at this time tomorrow? کیا تم اپنا مضمون کل اس وقت تک لکھ رہے ہو گے 
Bill: May, be or probably I shall have been riding at this time. شاہد ۔ یا غالبا اس وقت میں سواری کر رہا ہوں گا 
Smith: Will Sara have been knitting her sweater at this time on Monday? کیا سارا اپنا سویٹر پیر کے روز اس وقت بن رہی ہو گی 
Bill:  Yes, she will have been knitting her sweater at this time. ہاں وہ اس وقت اپنا سویٹر بن رہی ہوں گی