Space is the wide area around our atmosphere or the world. In simple words apace is the location where heavenly body revolves around other star like Sun. Space words or terms increase the vocabulary of the English beginners. Through this space lesson English beginners will enhance cosmic vocabulary that is frequently used in our daily life. In this designed lesson for the English beginner we have few common words about space. However, learners or English beginners after learning this lesson will be able to understand space and its contents.

The first column of this lesson contains space word and in front of this word we have its Urdu translation. Similarly in the third column we provide the same Urdu translation of apace word in Roman spelling for better understanding. The first word of this lesson is Asteroid and its Urdu translation is Sayyaarchah in Urdu alphabets and in Roman it also pronounces Sayyaarchah. The second word for space lesson is Astronaut and in Urdu its translation is Khalaa baaz in Urdu alphabets and Roman spells. Astronaut is the person that travels in space for research purpose.

We have third word in space lesson that is Earth in English and its Urdu translation is Zameen in Urdu alphabets and Roman spells. Earth is the planet on which we live and it revolve around the Sun. Next word in space lesson is Eclipse and in Urdu it is called Girhan in Urdu and Roman. There are two types of eclipse like Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse. Galaxy is the next word in space list and its Urdu translation is Kehkshaan. Galaxy is the group of heavenly body like stars. The next word in this list is Meteorite and in Urdu it is called Shahaab i sasqab. In Roman it is also called Shahaab i sasqab with Roman spell.

This space word list contains next word that is Moon and its Urdu translation is Chaand in Urdu alphabets and with Roman spells. Moon revolves around our Earth and emits light at night. The Observatory is the next word and its translation in Urdu and Roman is Rasad gaah. In observatory different observation are conducted for the movement of the heavenly bodies like Sun, Moon, Earth and other planets. The Orbit is the next word in space word list and its Urdu and Roman translation is Madaar. The orbit is the path on which planets or moons revolve. Planet is the space word and its Urdu translation is Sayyarah. Planet revolves around the Star just like our Earth is a planet and it revolve around the Sun that is a star.

Satellite is the next word in space list and its Urdu translation is Khalai sayyarah. However, currently we have artificial satellites in space for getting information from top of the Earth. Similarly, we have Solar System and in Urdu it is called Nizam-e-shamsi. The solar system consists of Sun, Earth, Moon and other planet of this system. Sun is the next space word and its Urdu translation is Suraj. Sun the main Star of the solar system and it emit light itself for our Earth and other planets. Star is the next word and its Urdu and Roman translation is Sitarah. Star is far away from our Earth and itself produce light and heat. There are many stars in universe. The last word of this list of space word is Telescope and its Urdu translation is Door been. This device used to see distinct objects in space and Earth.

Asteroid سیارچہ Sayyaarchah
Astronaut خلاباز Khalaa baaz
Earth زمین Zameen
Eclipse گرہن Girhan
Galaxy کہکشاں Kehkshaan
Meteorite شہاب ثاقب Shahaab i saaqab
Moon چاند Chaand
Observatory  رسد گاہ Rasad gaah
Orbit مدار Madaar
Planet سیارہ Sayyarah
Satellite خلائی سیارہ Khalai sayyarah
Solar system نظامِ شمسی Nizam-e-shamsi
Sun سورج Suraj
Star ستارہ Sitarah
Telescope دوربین Door been