Numbers in words are also required in many offices, banks, payments matter and receiving bills from department stores. Numbers in words clarify the given digits into English alphabets. For instance, 899456 value in words eight lac, ninety-nine thousand, four hundred and fifty six. Numbers in words are written according to the position of the digit like ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, etc.

List of Numbers in Words (1 to 100)

The numbers in words often written to define the given digits. However, it is necessary for the writer to write the correct spelling of given digits. In initial school classes students learn and then write numbers in words. So, they learn or memorize the spelling of the counting.

How to Write Numbers in words?

Here, we are going to discuss how to write numbers in words. To describe the numbers in words we must understand the place of the digit like ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, etc. However, follow the given steps to write numbers in words.

  • The initial nine digits from 1 to 9 written as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine. However, double digit like 10 is written as ten and 11 and 12 written as eleven and twelve without any pattern.
  • The digits from 13 to 19 are written in words as a pattern like thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen.
  • So, the next number 20 and then pattern start from 21 to 29 that is like twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine. However, after this next digit are 30 written as thirty.
  • After this the pattern is going on like forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety.

Tips to Learn Number in Words

The followings are few tips to memorize the numbers in words.

  • The digits from 1to12 will be memorized by heart without any pattern.
  • However, from 13 to 19 we will add word 'teen' as suffixes like thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen.
  • However, after 20 we will add word 'twenty' as prefixes from 21 to 29 like twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine. Then, 30 will be written as thirty.
  • So, after this thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety will be written as prefixes from digit 1 to 9.
  • The prefixes will be used as twenty one to twenty nine, thirty one to thirty nine, forty one to forty nine, fifty one to fifty nine, sixty one to sixty nine, seventy one to seventy nine, eighty one to eighty nine and ninety one to ninety nine.
  • To memorize the ten like 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. You have to memorize the numbers in words like ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety and hundred.

Solved Examples on Numbers in Words
Follow the example in which how we write numbers in words like 66. In this 66 one six indicates ten and the other six indicates ones. So, we have six ten and six ones in 66 that is why it is written as sixty six.

 0.   Zero   صفر     Sifr  
 1.   One   ايک     Aik  
 2.   Two   دو     Dow  
 3.   Three   تين     Teen  
 4.   Four   چار     Chaar  
 5.   Five   پانچ     Paanch  
 6.   Six   چھ     Chhay  
 7.   Seven   سات     Saat  
 8.    Eight   آٹھ     Aath  
 9.   Nine   نو      Now  
 10.   Ten   دس      Das  
 11.   Eleven  گيارہ     Giarah  
 12.   Twelve   بارہ     Barah  
 13.    Thirteen   تيرہ     Terah  
 14.   Fourteen   چودہ     Chaudah  
 15.   Fifteen   پندرہ     Pandrah  
 16.    Sixteen  سولہ     Solah  
 17.    Seventeen   سترہ     Satrah  
 18.   Eighteen   اٹھارہ     Atharah  
 19.   Nineteen   انيس     Unnees  
 20.   Twenty   بيس     Bees  
 21.    Twenty one   اکيس     Ikkees  
 22.   Twenty two   بائيس     Baais  
 23.   Twenty three   تئيس     Taees  
 24.   Twenty four   چوبيس     Chaubees  
 25.   Twenty five   پچيس     Pachees  
 26.   Twenty six   چھبيس     Chhabbees  
 27.    Twenty seven   ستائيس     Staees  
 28.   Twenty eight   اٹھائيس     Athaais  
 29.   Twenty nine   انتيس     Untees  
 30.   Thirty   تيس     Tees  
 31.   Thirty one   اکتيس      Iktees  
 32.    Thirty two بتيس     Battees
 33.   Thirty three تينتيس     Taintess
 34.   Thirty four چونتيس     Chauntees
 35.    Thirty five پينتس     Pantees
 36.    Thirty six چھتيس     Chatees
 37.    Thirty seven سينتيس     Santees
 38.   Thirty eight اڑتیس     Adthees
 39.   Thirty nine انتاليس     Untaalees
 40.    Forty چاليس     Chalees
 41.    Forty one اکتاليس     Iktalees
 42.   Forty two بياليس     Biyalees
 43.    Forty three تينتاليس     Tentalees
 44.    Forty four چواليس     Chavalees
 45.   Forty five پينتاليس     Pantalees
 46.    Forty six چھیالیس     Chhiyalees
 47.    Forty seven سينتاليس     Santalees
 48.    Forty eight اڑتاليس     Adtaalees
 49.   Forty nine انچاس     Unchaas
 50.   Fifty پچاس     Pachaas
 51.   Fifty one اکياون     Ikyavan
 52.   Fifty two باون     Baavan
 53.   Fifty three ترپن     Tarippan
 54.   Fifty four چون     Chawwan
 55.   Fifty five پچپن     Pachpan
 56.    Fifty six چھپن     Chappan
 57.   Fifty seven ستاون     Staavan
 58.   Fifty eight اٹھاون     Athaavan
 59.   Fifty nine انسٹھ     Unsathh
 60.    Sixty  ساٹھ     Saath
 61.   Sixty one اکسٹھ      Iksath
 62.    Sixty two باسٹھ     Baasath
 63.    Sixty three تریسٹھ     Traisath
 64.    Sixty four چونسٹھ     Chaunsath
 65.   Sixty five پينسٹھ     Painsath
 66.    Sixty six چھياسٹھ     Chhiyasath
 67.   Sixty seven سڑسٹھ     Sadsath
 68.    Sixty eight اڑسٹھ     Adsath
 69.   Sixty nine انہتر     Unhattar
 70.   Seventy ستر     Sattar
 71.   Seventy one اکہتر     Ikhattar
 72.   Seventy two بہتر     Behattar
 73.   Seventy three تہتر     Tihattar
 74.    Seventy four چوہتر     Chauhattar
 75.   Seventy five پچھتر     Pachattar
 76.    Seventy six چھہتر     Chihattar
 77.    Seventy seven ستتر     Satattar
 78.   Seventy eight اٹھہتر     Athhattar
 79.   Seventy nine اناسی     Unaasi
 80.    Eighty اسی     Assi
 81.    Eighty one اکياسی     Ikyaasi
 82.   Eighty two بياسی     Bayaasi
 83.    Eighty three تراسی     Tiraasi
 84.    Eighty four چوراسی     Chaurassi
 85.   Eighty five پچاسی     Pachaasi
 86.   Eighty six چھياسی     Chiyaasi
 87.    Eighty seven ستاسی     Sataasi
 88.    Eighty eight اٹھاسی     Athaasi
 89.    Eighty nine نواسی     Navassi
 90.    Ninety نوے     Navvay
 91.   Ninety one اکيانوے     Ikyaanvey
 92.    Ninety two بانوے     Baanvay
 93.   Ninety three ترانوے     Tiraanvay
 94.   Ninety four چورانوے     Chauraanvay
 95.   Ninety five پچانوے     Pachaanvay
 96.   Ninety six چھيانوے     Chhiyaanvay
 97.    Ninety seven ستانوے     Sataanvay
 98.   Ninety eight اٹھانوے     Athaanvay
 99.   Ninety nine ننانوے     Ninaanvay
 100.   One hundred سو     Sow