Measurements means to get the width and length of something like land, cloth, table, floor, etc. Measurements are usually done by different kinds of measuring equipment. Measurements are necessary to manufacture, design, constructs or make something. Measurements tell us that how much material is required for this project. Similarly in our daily life tailors also measure our body before stitching our dress. Measurements lesson is designed for the English beginners and kids to understand the measurement tools. This lesson is designed to increase the vocabulary of the English learners and beginners. Measurements are taken through different measuring tools all over the world.

Measurements tool are different for different objects like liquid, solid and gas. However, all Measurements tool all over the world have the same scales. The first word of this measurement list is Centimeter and in Urdu translation it is called Senti meter, while in Roman it is also pronounced as Senti meter. Centimeter is 100th parts of the meter. Foot is another measuring scale used to measure land and solid objects. Its Urdu translation is Fut. Similarly, in Roman it is also called Fut. Foot contains twelve inches. Gallon is another common word in measurements list and its Urdu and Roman translation is Gailan. Gallon is used to measure liquids like oil, petrol and water. Gram is the next word of this list and in Urdu it is called Garaam. Gram is used to weigh the solid objects or used in grocery stores.

The next word in this list is Inch and in Urdu and Roman it is also pronounced as Inch. Foot has twelve inches in it. Normally height of the person is measured in inches. Kilogram is the next word of this list and in Urdu and Roman it is pronounced as Kilo garaam. Kilogram is used to weigh the solid items and used in grocery stores and market. Kilogram contains 1000 grams. Kilometer is translated in Urdu and Roman as Kilo meter. Kilometer is used to measure the distance between two points or city or country. Kilometer contains 1000 meters. Liter is the next word its Urdu translation is Litar, in Roman it is also pronounced as Litar. Liter is used to measure liquid like petrol, diesel, water and milk. Liter contains 1000 milliliter.

The measurements list next word is Meter and in Urdu and Roman it is also pronounced Meter. Meter is used to measure solid objects like cloth, land, etc. Mile is the next word of this list and in Urdu and Roman translation it is Meel. Meel is an old measurement scale for distance measuring. Meel is greater than Kilometer. Millimeter is next word of this list and in Urdu translation it is Mili meter. The next word is Ounce and in Urdu and Roman it is pronounced as Aaons. Chemicals and gold is measure from this unit. Pint is another word of this measurement list and its Urdu translation is Pint. Pint is used to measure liquid objects like paint. Pound is another unit of measurement and its Urdu translation is Paaond. In western countries Pound is used to weigh objects. Quart Urdu translation is Kowart and next word is Ton and in Urdu it is called Tan that is equal to 25 Munds. Last word is Yard and in Urdu it is called Qadam. Yard is used to measure land.    

Centimeter سینٹی میٹر Senti meter
Foot فٹ Fut
Gallon گیلن Gailan
Gram گرام Garaam
Inch انچ Inch
Kilogram کلو گرام Kilo garaam
Kilometer کلومیٹر Kilo meter
Liter لیٹر Litar
Meter میٹر Meter
Mile میل Meel
Millimeter ملی میٹر Mili meter
Ounce اونس Aaons
Pint پنٹ Pint
Pound پاؤنڈ Paaond
Quart کوارٹ Kowart
Ton ٹن Tan
Yard قدم Qadam