Islamic months of the year are twelve in numbers. Islamic months of the year based on the Islamic name, which indicate something like events. The Islamic calendar also known as Hijri calendar. Muharram, Safar, Rabi-Ul-Awaal, Rabi-Ul-Sani, Jimadi-Ul-Awwal, Jimaadi-Ul-Saani, Rajab, Shaa`baan, Ramzaan, Shawaal, Zil` Qaada and Zil` Hij-jah are Islamic months of the year. Islamic year started from the migration (Hijrah) of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This migration from the city of Mecca to the city, Medina was the beginning of the Islamic/Hijri calendar.

Islamic months of the year based on lunar month which are usually 29 to 30 days. The Islamic months of the year start from the Sunset. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar while Zil` Hij-jah is the last month of Islamic Calendar. In this Englsih lesson we have Islamic months for English beginners to memorize. The first month of Islamic calendar is Muharram and there is no translation in English that is why it is called Muharram in Urdu and Roman.

The Safar is the second moth of Islamic Calendar and it pronounces as Safar in Urdu. Similarly, the third month of Islamic calendar is Rabi-Ul-Awaal, which is also Rabi-Ul-Awaal in Urdu and Roman. The forth month according to Islamic calendar is Rabi-Ul-Sani. However, Jimadi-Ul-Awwal is the fifth month of Islamic calendar, Jimaadi-Ul-Saani is the sixth month of the Islamic calendar. Similarly, Rajab is seventh month, Shaa`baan is number eighth, Ramzaan is number ninth and it is holy month according to Islam. Shawaal is in number tenth. Zil` Qaada is eleventh and Zil` Hij-jah is the last month of the Islamic calendar.

In this given chart the English beginners memorize the Islamic months in the given order with the same spells. However, these months are pronounced same in English, Urdu and Roman.

 Muharram محرم 
 Safar صفر 
 Rabi-Ul-Awaal ربيع الاوّل 
 Rabi-Ul-Sani ربیع الثانی ‬
 Jimadi-Ul-Awwal جمادی الاوّل ‬‬‬‬
 Jimaadi-Ul-Saani جمادی الثانی 
 Rajab رجب 
 Shaa`baan شعبان 
 Ramzaan رمضان 
 Shawaal شوال 
 Zil` Qaada ذوالقعدہ 
 Zil` Hij-jah ذوالحجۃ