Gases cover the entire atmosphere of the Earth. We live in different gases, but Nitrogen gas is most abundant in this atmosphere. Gases are vital and compulsory for our survival and growth of different plants and crops. The most valuable gas is Oxygen that we inhale for our survival. Actually we inhale different gases, but just oxygen is absorbed by our lungs. However, other gases along Carbon dioxide are exhaled from our lungs. Gases are also emitting from vehicles, industries, mills and other machines. Similarly, our home appliances like refrigerator, air conditioners and deep freezers also emit different types of dangerous gases. Gases are also used in different products like fertilizer and ghee manufacturing.

Here, we have a list of important Gases which are used in different purposes. Similarly these Gases are also exhale from machines or vehicles. This Gases list is important to know by the English learners or beginner to enhance their vocabulary. Gases list contains different types of gases and the main combination of all Gases called air which we cannot see, but feel. The list contains first word that is Air and in Urdu translation it is called Hawaa. The air is also pronouncing Hawaa in Roman with English alphabets. Air is cover that surrounds our Earth and in this air birds fly and aircraft travel. The air is a mixture of all types of Gases. The second gas in this list is Butane and its Urdu translation is similar like Bootain and in Roman it has the same Urdu sound.

The next gas in Gases list is Carbon dioxide and its Urdu translation is also Karban di aakside with same Roman sound. This gas is exhaled by animals and human beings, but plants absorb it for manufacturing of their food. In Gases list next gas is Carbon monoxide and in Urdu it is called karban mono aakside. This gas is released from burning of coal and it is poisonous gas. Freon is the next gas in Gases list and in Urdu its translation is Fre'on with same sound in Roman pronunciation. It is commonly used in used as a refrigerant in air conditioning applications. Helium is another gas in this list and in Urdu it is called Heeliam. The Helium gas is used in welding metals and other industries. Next gas in this list is Hydrogen in Urdu it is called Hiderojan. Hydrogen gas is used as rocket fuel in space travel.  

In gases list next gas is Methane and its Urdu translation is Meethain or natural gas. Methane gas is used in our stoves for cooking. This gas is poisonous and commonly used in vehicles instead of petrol or diesel. Neon is another inert gas and its Urdu translation is Nee'on in Roman pronunciation as in Urdu. This gas is used in vacuum tubes, indicators and television tubes. In gases list the next gas is Nitric oxide in Urdu it is called Nitrik aakside. This gas is used in fertilizers and explosive materials. The next gs is Nitrogen and in Urdu its translation is Nitrojan it is most abundant gas in atmosphere that is 78% by volume. Oxygen is the next gas in this list and its translation in Urdu is Aakseejan. We inhale oxygen for our survival.     

Air ہوا Hawaa
Butane بیوٹین Bootain
Carbon dioxide کاربن ڈائی آکسائیڈ Karban di aakside
Carbon monoxide کاربن مونو آکسائیڈ Karban mono aakside
Freon فری اون Fre`on
Helium ہیلیم Heeliam
Hydrogen ہائیڈروجن Hiderojan
Methane میتھین Meethain
Neon نی اون Nee`on
Nitric oxide نائٹرک ایسڈ Nitrik aakside
Nitrogen نائٹروجن Nitrojan
Oxygen آکسیجن Aakseejan
Propane پروپین Propain