Common words used in law during court hearing or lawyer chamber. Common words used in law are unfamiliar to common people and that is why they do not understand them. Lawyers and judges use different terminology in court. The common words used in law are usually taken from Greek, Latin, French and some other foreign languages. That is why those words are tough to understand. However, English learner must aware about those of Common words used in law in court or lawyer conversation.

Common words used in law are often misunderstand and wrong translated by common man. So, being English learner it is necessary for you to know the exact meaning of these common words used in law. Here, we have good numbers of Common words used in law with Urdu and Roman translation. The first column showing Common words used in law and the adjacent column translate those words in Urdu. Similarly the last and third column pronounces the Urdu word in Roman spells for better understanding.

The first Common word used in law in first row is Barrister that is a lawyer, but have degree from overseas in law. It is basically a lawyer or wakil in Urdu. The next word is Contract, which is Thaikah in Urdu. Next word is Court in Urdu it is called Adaalat where lawyer present argument in front of judge. Defendant in Urdu language is Mudaa alaih. Simialrly we have Evidance in Urdu it is shawaahid or proof. The next word is Guilty in Urdu it is Mujrim, Judge in Urdu is jaj or munsif. The next common words used in law are Jury in Urdu it is jewri mean panel of deciding person.

However, few other common words used in law like Lawsuit in Urdu it is Qanooni chara jui. The next word is Lawyer and in Urdu it is called Qanoon daan, similarly we have Plea in Urdu it is plee, but it is iltaja in Urdu. Prosecutor in Urdu it is ist'ghasa, next word is Sentence in Urdu it is Saza while Solicitor in Urdu is Darkhast guzaar. Trial translation in Urdu is Muqadmah and last word is Verdict in Urdu it is Faislal and common English it is decision. These common words used in law are necessary for English beginner to understand basic idea of words.     

 Barrister بیرسٹر   Beristar
 Contract ٹھیکہ   Thaikah
 Court عدالت   Adaalat
 Defendant مدعا علیہ   Mudaa alaih
 Evidence شواہد   Shawaahid
 Guilty مجرم   Mujrim
 Judge جج   Jaj
 Jury جیوری   Jewri
 Lawsuit قانونی چارہ جوئی   Qanooni chara jui
 Lawyer قانون دان   Qanoon daan
 Plea پلی   Plee
 Prosecutor  استغاثہ   Ist’ghasa
 Sentence سزا   Saza
 Solicitor درخواست گذار   Darkhast guzaar
 Trial مقدمہ   Muqadmah
 Verdict فیصلہ   Faislah