Common vegetables name are necessary to know English learner and kids. Common vegetables name help recognize different types of vegetable in market. The vegetable is plant or part of plant that we cook or consume in raw state. Common vegetables name in this chart will increase the vocabulary of the English learner, beginner and kids. The colorful images of these Common vegetables and their name enhance the English vocabulary.

To understand and learn foreign language need vocabulary that come from different sources like vegetables name, fruit name and other daily used items. Here,we have list of vegetables in English and Urdu as well as in Roman. Through the color picture learner will easily memorize the shape, color and name of the vegetables. So, in this given vegetable chart we have common vegetables name in Urdu, English and Roman.

The first vegetable in this chart is Asparagus in picture with English name and maarchoba in Roman spell with Urdu words. Similarly we have next vegetable that is Eggplant in English and baingan in Urdu and Roman. Beetroot is Chaqandar in Urdu, Bell Pepper in Urdu is Shimlah Mirch and Bitter Gourd is Kraila in Urdu. The next vegetable is Broccoli, which is Band Gobhi in Urdu and Roman.

However, the other common vegetables name in this given chart are Brussels Sprout, Butternut Squash, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Chili, Corn / Sweet corn, Courgette, Cucumber, Garlic, Ginger, Green bean, Leek, Lettuce, Okra, Olive, Onion, Pea, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Tomato and Turnip. All these vegetables have color photo with English name and Urdu translation or Urdu name for that vegetable.

To understand these vegetable with their relevant name we have provided the name of the vegetable in Urdu with Roman pronunciation. The majority of the beginner easily understands Roman language because it is frequently used online. So, the Roman, Urdu and English have the best combination to identify, remember and pronounce the name of vegetables.

Asparagus  Asparagus مارچوبہ   Maarchoba
Aubergine   Aubergine/Eggplant بينگن   Baingan
Beetroot  Beetroot چقندر   Chaqandar
Bell Pepper  Bell Pepper شملہ مرچ   Shimlah Mirch
Bitter Gourd  Bitter Gourd کريلا   Kraila
Broccoli  Broccoli بند گوبھی   Band Gobhi
Brussels Sprout  Brussels Sprout بند گوبھی   Band Gobhi
Butternut Squash  Butternut Squash کدو   Kaddoo
Carrot   Carrot گاجر   Gaajar
Cauliflower  Cauliflower پھول گوبھی   Phool Gobhi
Celery   Celery اجوائن   Ajwaain
Chilli   Chilli مرچ   Mirch
Corn   Corn / Sweetcorn مکئ   Makai
Courgette   Courgette ہری ترئی   Haro Tarai
Cucumber   Cucumber کھيرا   Kheera
Garlic   Garlic لہسن   Lehsan
Ginger  Ginger ادرک   Adrak
Green bean  Green bean سبز پھلی   Sabz Phali
Leek   Leek ہری پیاز   Hari Pyaz
Lettuce   Lettuce سلاد   Salaad
Okra  Okra بھنڈی   Bhindi
Olive   Olive زیتون   Zaitoon
Onion   Onion پیاز   Pyaaz
Pea   Pea مٹر   Mattar
Potato   Potato آلو   Aalu
Pumpkin   Pumpkin  پیٹھا   Paitha
Radish  Radish مولی   Mooli
Spinach  Spinach  پالک   Paalak
Tomato   Tomato ٹماٹر  Tamaatar
Turnip  Turnip شلجم  Shaljam