Common greetings mean expression of good will which is normally exchange on meeting. It is our common observation that people say “hello” or “how are you? ” But, beside these there are many other common greetings. It is necessary for English learner or beginners to know the some other simple formal and informal greetings. There are few casual common greetings though those we greet our friends and family members. To understand the common greetings and their proper use is vital for English beginners.

This English lesson is specifically designed to express and understanding of different types of common greetings. The first column contains different common greetings used in English. However, the second column translates these common greetings in Urdu. However, third column show same sound used in Urdu in Roman spells. The first common greeting inn this English lesson is Hello in Urdu it is also called Hello. This word is commonly used to attentive someone during meeting or once face the first time.

The next common greeting word is Hey in Urdu it is also pronounced Hey. But, it is commonly used in place of Hello. This word is frequently used in casual meeting and among close friends. The next common greeting word is Hi that is also Hi in Urdu and it also gave the same meaning of Hello or Hey. In simple word it is the shortest version of Hello. However, this word is frequently used in our daily life specifically in western world. The next word is Good morning in Urdu it is Sub'ha bakhair. This greeting is used in the morning to greet each other. But, in some case it is just morning.

Common greetings are normally understood by everyone, but English beginner must know the correct use of these greetings. The next greeting word is Good afternoon and its Urdu translation is Do'pehr bakhir. Similarly we have Good evening in Urdu translation it is Sham bakhair. Good night translation in Urdu is Shab bakhair and the last greeting in this list is Welcome and in Urdu it is Khush Aamdeed. It is used to greet someone at your home, office or workplace.

 Hello ہیلو   Hello
 Hey ہے   Hey
 Hi ہائی   Hi
 Good morning صبح بخیر   Sub’ha bakhair
 Good afternoon دوپہر بخیر   Do’pehr bakhair
 Good evening شام بخیر   Sham bakhair
 Good night شب بخیر   Shab bakhair
 Welcome خوش آمدید   Khush Aamdeed