Common fast food name are also common all over the world, but still there is difference. However, common fast food market is growing with passage of time. Common fast food is a type of food, which is cooked for commercial sale. Common fast food are prepared quickly and also delivered swiftly and easy to consume. Common fast food is easily available all over the world and you can take it within minute and eat even during your drive. Common fast food demand is increasing day by day. Nowadays different Common fast food chains are working all over the world. The common fast food restaurants present in the United States.

In this lesson of common fast food we have many common fast foods name with Urdu translation and Roman spellings. The first word in this list is Baguette and in Urdu translation it is called Begait. This food item is common in fast food stalls. The next word is Burger that is familiar all over the world and in Urdu it is also known as Bargar. The next word in common fast food list is Burrito and its Urdu translation is Bareeto. Then we have the next fast food name that is Chips and its Urdu translation is Chips. This fast food item is famous in different regions of the world.

Common fast food list contain the next fast food is Cookie and in Urdu it is called Biskit. However, the next fast food word is Donut and in Urdu it is called Donat. Similarly we have the next fast food word that is Fried chicken and in Urdu translation it is Fried Chicken or Talli hui murghi. Then we have another fast food word that is Fries and its Urdu translation is Talli hui. In this common fast food list another food item name is Noodles and in Urdu translation it is Noodalz. Nowadays noodles are common and prepared at homes.

The next food is Pizza in Urdu it is also called Pizza. The next fast food word is Pretzels and in Urdu translation it is Pritzel. Then the next food is Sandwich and its Urdu translation is Sandwich while the last fast food name is Soft drink that is Halka mashroob in Urdu. This Common fast food list will enhance fast food vocabulary. The English beginners or learner will easily understand the given fast food name and their Urdu translation with the help of Roman spellings.

 Baguette بیگیٹ   Begait
 Burger برگر   Bargar
 Burrito بریٹو   Bareeto
 Chips چپس   Chips
 Cookie بسکٹ   Biskit
 Donut ڈونٹ   Donat
 Fried chicken فرائیڈ چکن   Fried Chicken
 Fries تلی ہوئی   Talli hui
 Noodles نوڈلز   Noodalz
 Noodalz پیزا   Pizza
 Pretzels پریٹزل   Pritzel
 Sandwich سینڈوچ   Sandwich
 Soft drink ہلکا مشروب   Halka mashroob