Common colors name and types enhance English vocabulary in beginners. Common colors name and types also helpful to give the name of color or shade to specific ting. Common colors name and types in this lesson of English are used. Colors have three basic types like

1. Three primary colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
2. Three secondary colors: Violet, Orange, Green
3. Six tertiary colors: Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, Yellow-Green, Red-Orange, Yellow- Orange and Blue-Green.

Here, we have few basic colors in squares. These given square are filled with specific color in first column. The next column shows the English name of that color like Red, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Gold, Orange, Pink, Purple and White.

Common colors name and types for English beginner and kids are vital and they increase interest in this language. Moreover, all things must have basic color or colors. The learner once starts learning about colors then initially he/she finds color shade like Red then in next column he/she finds its English name like RED and in next column the red color is translated into Urdu. However, the last column indicates the name of the color in Roman language just like surkh/laal.

Similarly, we have next color that is Black that is kala/siyah in Roman. The beginner will understand the next color that is Blue in word and Neela in Urdu and Roman. Similarly, we have next color that is Brown, bhoora in Urdu and Roman. There is Green color and it is sabz/hara in Urdu and Roman. The next shade or color is Grey and in Urdu and Roman it is surmai.

In this lesson we have Gold color in Urdu and Roman is sunehri while Orange color in Urude and Roman is Naaranji. Next is Pink color in English while it is Gulaabi in Urdu and Roman language. The next color in this chart is Purple in English. It is called jamni in Urdu and Roman the last color in this chart is White in English, but it is safaid in Roman and Urdu.

red colour Red سرخ / لال  Surkh / Laal
black colour Black کالا / سیاہ  Kala / Siyah
blue colour Blue نيلا  Neela
brown colour Brown بھورا  Bhoora
green colour Green سبز / ہرا  Sabz / Hara
grey colour Grey سرمئی  Surmai
gold colour Gold سنہری  Sunehri
orange colour Orange نارَنجی  Naaranji
pink colour Pink گلابی  Gulaabi
purple colour Purple جامنی  Jamni
white colour White سفيد  Safaid