Common business words are necessary for businessmen as well as ordinary people to know the exact meaning. Common business words are frequently used in markets, industries and commercial offices. These common business words also enhance our business vocabulary and we often use these words in our daily conversation. The businesses schools and commerce institute inform the students about these common business words. However, these common business words are also important for purchasers or common man.

In this common business words lesson designed for the English beginners and business community we have discussed relevant words. Common business words are given in English with Urdu translation and Roman pronunciation for easy understanding. The first column shows the common business word that is Buyer in Urdu it is called khareedar or purchaser. The next word is Cash in Urdu it is called raqam. Next word is Cheap and in Urdu it is sasta, next is Client in Urdu it is gaahak and next word is Cost in Urdu it is called laagat.

Next word is Customer and in Urdu it is saarif, then we have Deal and in Urdu it is sowda, Discount in Urdu is bachat. Similarly we have many other common business words like Guarantee, Loss, Margin, Price, Product, Profit, Purchase, Retail, Sale, Service and Wholesale. All these business words are necessary to understand basic business terms. The English beginners will learn these common business words and increase their vocabulary.

These common business words are frequently used in our daily conversation and chat. Moreover, in some simple sentences we also use these business words. However, in market these words are commonly used and that is why awareness is vital. The English beginners can easily understand with the help of Urdu and Roman translation.

 Buyer خریدار   Khareedar
 Cash رقم   Raqam
 Cheap سستا   Sasta
 Client گاہک   Gaahak
 Cost لاگت   Laagat
 Customer صارف   Saarif
 Deal سودا   Sowda
 Discount بچت   Bachat
 Guarantee گارنٹی   Gaaranti
 Loss نقصان   Nuqsaan
 Margin مارجن   Maarjin
 Price قیمت   Qeemat
 Product مصنوعات   Masnu’aat
 Profit منافع   Munaafa
 Purchase خریداری   Khareedari
 Retail پرچون   Parchoon
 Sale فروخت   Farokht
 Service خدمت   Khid’mat
 Wholesale تھوک   Thoak