Body parts are necessary to know for daily conversation and common sentences use. Body parts are different and that is why they have their own name. Body parts are numerous that is why English beginners and kids will take time to memorize them. However, these body parts will be memorize in sets. First, English learners will try to memorize the upper body parts and then lower body parts. However, the task is not difficult, but just demand concentration.

In the given English lesson Body parts is specifically designed for kids and basic English learners. Here, we have color picture of the body part, then in next column there is English name and Urdu translation of that body part. The first body part is Arm that bazoo in Urdu and Roman translation. The next body part is Beard that is Daadhi in Urdu, then we have Bone in Urdu it is haddi. The next is the Brain that is damagh in Urdu and Roman.

Here we have a long list of body parts of human. The next body part is Chin Urdu translation is thodi, next is Ear and it is kaan in Urdu, Eye is the next body part and it is aankh in Urdu. In this list of body part we have Face, Finger, Fist, Foot, Hair, Hand, Heart, Kidney, Knee, Lip, Liver, Lung, Moustache, Muscle, Nail, Neck, Nose, Thumb and Tooth. In this list there are few body parts are external and some are internal. We do not see the internal body parts like lungs, heart, kidney and liver.

The English language beginners can divide the body parts in two categories like internal body parts and external body parts. In this way they will easily memorize the body parts of human. However, learn and memorize the body parts in sets. Normally students and English beginner memorize five to six body parts in a day. However, the given chart is simple and easy to know the body part and identification through picture of body parts.

Arm  Arm بازو   Bazoo
Beard  Beard داڑھی   Daadhi
Bone  Bone  ہڈی   Haddi
Brain  Brain دماغ   Damagh
Chin  Chin ٹھوڑی   Thodi
Ear  Ear کان   Kaan
Eye  Eye آنکھ   Aankh
Face  Face چہرہ   Chehra
Finger  Finger انگلی  Ungli
Fist  Fist مٹھی   Muthi
Foot  Foot پاؤں   Paaon
Hair  Hair بال   Baal
Hand  Hand ہاتھ   Haath
Heart  Heart دل   Dil
Kidney  Kidney گردہ   Gurdah
Knee  Knee گھٹنا   Ghutna
Lip  Lip ہونٹ   Hont
Liver  Liver جگر   Jigar
Lung  Lung پھیپھڑا   Phaiphdah
Moustache  Moustache مونچھ   Moonch
Muscle  Muscle پٹھا   Patthah
Nail  Nail ناخن   Naakhun
Neck  Neck گردن   Gardan
Nose  Nose ناک   Naak
Thumb  Thumb انگوٹھا   Angutha
Tooth  Tooth دانت   Daant