Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi commonly used in general markets, shops and stores which assist conversation. China is a commercial organization and expending its business in different countries. China is constructing different motorways and highways to connect China with rest of the world. China is manufacturing different items in the form of machines, spare part and tools. But, during marketing Chinese face numbers of problem including language. In this article, we have Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi translations. These common Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi help us understand the conversation of buyer and seller.

Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi are frequently used in Indian, Pakistani and Chines markets. However, In English speaking countries these sentences are very effective. All these Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi are about the goods or items. However, these sentences are used to inquire and show the goods or products. These sentences tell us about showing something like silk or silk products. Moreover, these sentences also provide information about quality, quantity, purchase, sell, samples or other related terms.

Chinese Shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi
 I Want some silk
 Chinese ( Romanized )  O yao mai chou-dz                    
 Pronunciation   O yow mi chou dz
 Chinese Urdu  وو یاومے چھوذ 
 Urdu  مجھے کچھ ریشم چا ئیے 
 Please show me some gloves  .          
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Tsing na shou tao gee okan      
 Pronunciation  shing nah shou tow gee o kan
 Chinese Urdu  شنگ نا شو تھاو کی ووکھان 
 Urdu  نوازش مجھے کچھ دستا نے دکھائیں
 How much is this cabnet?                 
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Dje go gwei-dz do shao tsien?  
 Pronunciation  Jeh go gway dz dog show chee en
 Chinese Urdu   یے کو کوے ذتو شا وشن؟ 
 Urdu  اس کیبنٹ کی کیا قیمت ہے ؟
 This is a still better one   .                     
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Dje shi ih g geng hao dy             
 Pronunciation  Jeh shirr ee go gung how dee
 Chinese Urdu   چے شرکو گنگ ہاوتی 
 Urdu  یہ قدرے بہترہے 
 I must have it                                       
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Oding djwan yao                           
 Pronunciation  O ding  jwun yow?
 Chinese Urdu   ووتنگ یون یاو 
 Urdu  مجھے یہ ضرور چا ئیے
 How much do you require?                
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Ni yao do shao ?                            
 Pronunciation  nce yow doh show?
 Chinese Urdu  نی یاوتو شا و 
 Urdu    تمھیں کس قدر ضرورت ہے؟
 I will buy these .                                     
 Chinese ( Romanized )  O yao maid je go                           
 Pronunciation  O yow mi jeh go
 Chinese Urdu  وو یاومی لے کو 
 Urdu    میں یہ خریدوں گا 
 Send the thing to my hotel .         
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Bad dje go shuug  dao keh yu chu    
 Pronunciation  Bah jay go sung dow keh yeu cheu
 Chinese Urdu  باچے گو سنگ تاﺅ کھے لی چھو 
 Urdu   چیزیں میرے ہوٹل میں بھیج دیں 
 May I show you my samples?    
 Chinese ( Romanized )  O ko I na yang-dz gih ni kan mi?    
 Pronunciation  O ko ee neh yang dz gee nee kan mo
 Chinese Urdu  ووکھئی تا ینگ کے نی کھاں کھان مو؟ 
 Urdu   کیا میں آپ کو اپنے نمونے دکھاﺅں
 Ican not give you an order .         
 Chinese ( Romanized )  O buh naun ding ho                          
 Pronunciation  O boo nung  ding  ho
 Chinese Urdu  ووپوننگ تنگ خو 
 Urdu   میں آپ کو آرڈرنہیں دے سکتا 
 We will consult after receiving  Sam-ples,  
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Shou liao yang-dz I hou dzai  dzoh shang liang ,                                     
 Pronunciation  shou leeow  yang d zee hou dzi dzo shang leeang ,
 Chinese Urdu  شاﺅ لیاﺅ ینگ خاﺅزائے ذوشنگ پیانگ 
 Urdu  سیل د یکھنے کے بعد ہم مشورہ کریںگے 
 What is your bot-tom price          
 Chinese ( Romanized )  shao dao di shen  mo gia tsien ?   
 Pronunciation  Show dow dee shun mo geeah  chee
 Chinese Urdu  شاﺅتا ﺅتی شمو کیا شی ان 
 Urdu  کم از کم قیمت کیاہے؟
 Have the goods shipped at  Once,                                                        
 Chinese ( Romanized )  ma shang no ho sung shang chwan chu,                                                               
 Pronunciation  Ma shang nah ho sung shang chwan dheu,
 Chinese Urdu    ماشنگ نا خو؟ 
 Urdu  جہازپرسامان جلد بھجوادیں
 Have you  shipped the goods?   
 Chinese ( Romanized )  Ho shang liao chwan muh yu?         
 Pronunciation  Ho shang leeow chwan moo yeeoo
 Chinese Urdu  خوشنگ لیاﺅ خوان موییو؟ 
 Urdu  کیا آپ نے جہاز پرساما ن بھجوا دیا ہے؟
 Will you accept bill?                     
 Chinese ( Romanized )  O gih ni hwai piao ko I buhko?    
 Pronunciation  O gee nee hway peeow koee boo ee?
 Chinese Urdu  ووکی نی خوے پھیوکھوے پو اے ؟ 
 Urdu    کیا آپ بل قبول کرپں گے؟



Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi are commonly used in markets, sops, displaying stalls and exhibitions. These sentences also shoe the order for products or booking that is necessary thing in marketing. The conversation sentences tell us about the price of the goods, discount or minimum prices for the selling item. Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi are good way to understand each other idea. This article is evenly beneficial for Chinese, English speaking people and Urdu / Hindi understanding individuals. English Urdu, Chinese and Hindi are common languages and the majority of the people are speaking these languages.

If individuals do not understand Chinese or English, then he can make a conversation through using these Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi. This is the best way to understand each other ideas. The website designs the general conversation fantastically for general business deal. Chinese shopping sentences in daily life with English and Urdu / Hindi assist the businessmen to convey their message to Chines or English, Urdu speaking people. The articles cover all aspects of translation, pronunciation and Chinese pronunciation along Urdu translation. However, China is an emerging economy that is garbing international market. Chines are also overcoming language barrier.