Universities In UK

University of Cambridge


One of the most famous educational institutes in the world, University of Cambridge is located 50 miles north of the Central London. University of Cambridge, also known as the Cambridge University or simply the Cambridge, is the 2nd oldest university in the UK and the 4th oldest university in the world.


University of Cambridge is culturally rich, and have a long history of distinctive traditionsmixed with the technological, scientific and literature advancement. It was founded in the year1209. It is a place thatprovides the taste of urban life, but also the flavor of the classical British atmosphere. Cambridge has produced many famous personalities in the walks of life, such as Law, Politics, Medicine, and Literature, and many sub branches of Science.


University of Cambridge has one of the largest alumni of the world. Its alumni are famous for the number of Nobel Prize winners, because 81 scholars of the Cambridge University since 1904 have received the Nobel Prize. One of the most prominent nameshere is Frederick Sanger. He won the Nobel Prize twice; first, in the year 1958 and then in the year 1980. It shows how much refined, culturally rich and high rated University of Cambridge is.


University of Cambridge is the collection of 31 colleges. The first college is Peterhouse, which was founded in the year 1284 by the Bishop of Ely Hugh Balsham. In the 14th and 15th century, many other colleges were also formed under the domain of the University of Cambridge.

Among these 31 colleges, three are only for the women including; Lucy Cavendish, New Hall, and Newnham. Two of these colleges are dedicated to the graduate students only; Darwin and Clare Hall. The rest of the 26 colleges enroll students to teach their respective field of study under different study programs.

The colleges of the University of Cambridge are somewhat independent and enjoy the power of autonomy, and thereby act as separate academic institutes. The administration of these colleges can decide who to admit. They are responsible for the welfare of the students and the teachers as well.

Courses offered at University of Cambridge:

The Cambridge offers around 100 study courses under undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate study programs. These courses are widespread, including Biology, Medicine, Physics, Computer Engineering, Genetics, Education, Classics, International Studies, Aerospace Engineering, Medicine, Law, Business Administration, Management and Veterinary Medicine.

International Students:

Thousands of students from more than 120 countries of the world apply for admission to the Cambridge each year, but only a few are enrolled meeting the strict criteria. The Cambridge is one of the oldest universities with the most number of international students, because annual enrollment of the 17000 students at the Cambridge, around 3000 are the international students.


University of Cambridge assists its students and scholars for residential facilities. It not only has its own hostel and residential halls for the students, but also arranges the accommodation facility by inviting other people to rent their property for the students of the Cambridge.


University of Cambridge is one of the best universities of the world that has always been on the list of the top ten universitiesof the world. Presently, it is the 2nd best university of the world as per the QS World University Ranking.

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