Universities In UK

University College London


One of the most successful academic institution se established in the 19th century was University College London (UCL). Established on 11thFebruary,1826, University College London was entirely a secular academic institution, where people belonging to different religions could study peacefully. The central campus of the University College London is located in the Bloomsbury, the Central London, United Kingdom. It also offers educational services to the other parts of the world through its satellite campuses, including Adelaide, Qatar, Australia and Doha.


University College London enjoys the fame as an outstanding public research university and is a constituent college of the federal University of London. However, it is vested with many rights and authority that it is comparable as an independent, and self-governing academic institute. The administration of the University College London is a Council that oversees the management of the affairs of the college and the conduct of its own affairs.

Department and Faculties:

The research and academic activities of University College London are organized in the form of department and faculties established by the Council. Presently, University College London has eleven Faculties, including the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Brain Sciences, Bartlett, Engineering Sciences, Laws…

Offered Courses:

University College London admit students under various degree and non-degree programs, subject to the strict merit criteria. The faculties and departments at the central campus and satellite campuses, offer various undergraduate and post-graduate study programs in the field of Medicine, Mathematics and Statistics, Management, Economics, Engineering Science, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Most faculties require 3 A grades at A Level, or the grade equivalent to the three 6 on the main subjects of the International Baccalaureate Program.

Library System:

The library system of University College London consists of sixteen libraries located at different sites within the central campus. The library system is interconnected by a central networking request and catalogue system named as Explore. It contains more than 1.5 million books, references and other published works.


University College London has produced many notable persons of the world, including the Noble Prize winners, presidents and prime ministers of the countries, politicians and the top athletes. These names include Mahatma Gandhi, Francis Crick, Alexander Graham Bell, Sir William Cold stream, Wyndham Lewis, Antony Gormley, Clive Sansom, Marie Stopes, Helen Maclnnes, Lord Digby Jones, Edwin Waterhouse, Colin Chapman, Walter Bagehot, Tom Dychoff, Jomo Kenyatta, Chaim Herzog, David Gower, Patrick Head, and Kristine Smith.


University College London provides housing facilities for its students and scholars through its various self-owned, and permanent private halls and houses in the Central London. These include Arthur Tatter sall House, Astor College, Campbell House, Frances Gardner House, Goldsmid House, James Light hill House, Connaught Hall, Canterbury Hall, and Commonwealth Hall…


University College London is one of the best educational institutions in the world, therefore it is ranked among the top universities of the world. During the year 2014, QS World University Ranking has ranked University College London as the fifth best university in the world.

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