TOEFL Preparation

TOEFL test format in Pakistan


Two formats of TOEFL test are normally followed. One being Internet Based Test known as (iTB) this depends on the centre for which you are applying for the test. Those test centres which do not offer internet test they rely on Paper-based Test known as (PBT).

Howevery in Pakistan one can only take Internet-based Test (iTB).

Internet-based Test (iBT)

After it’s initiated in 2005, Internet-based Test has rapidly gown and it has superseded the computer-based Tests (CBT) and paper-based Tests (PBT). Computer-based test was halted in 2006 and it is no longer valid. However paper-based tests are still being carried out in some selected areas of the world. The iBT was introduced in Germany, Canada, France, Italy and United States in 2005 and elsewhere in the world, it was launched in 2006.

Total duration of this test is four hours and four sections as well. Each section is meant to assess your abilities of English language based on the environment of higher educational institutions and college.

  • Reading

This section has 3 to 4 passages of in it, each passage having up to 700 words almost. After reading the passages student is required to answer some questions, questions are taken out from the passages which candidates reads. Candidate is asked question about the main idea behind the passage, some vocabulary, rhetorical purposes and overall ideas etc. new iBT test requires filling of tables and completion of sentences.   

  • Listening

This section has time duration of about 3-5 minutes and then question are asked about the matter listened. The passages used in this section are a form of discussion between two students and four lecturers or a conversation. This is basically a discussion which involves two speakers, a student and a campus facilitator or a professor. The questions are meant to calculate the attitude towards the subject matter, its information, relationship, coherence and implications etc.

  • Speaking
  • The section is divided in six assignments: two of these are independent while four are integrated. In the prior section, in two assignments, answers are required by the candidate related to the topic. They assess the ability to speak indigenously, how one conveys his message (clear & to the point) and your spontaneous reactive answers. In the later part first two assignment candidate reads a passage and listens to a lecture or a discussion about campus life, after this the question are asked, the answers must be a combination of the passage that has been read and the listened discussion. The remaining two assignments consist of listening to a lecture on academic course or a conversation and by answering the questions asked about the material heard. 
  • Writing

This portion consists of two parts, one is integrated and other is independent. The candidate reads a passage and listens to a lecture on the same topic, then answers the questions in writing. In the independent part the candidate is asked to write an essay about that explains, states and supports an opinion on an issue, it is important to write the reason objectively rather than writing you own dos and don’ts, for or against any argument. This section is meant for assessing the writing power/ability of a candidate in an academic/professional environment.

Paper-based Test

This test assess your abilities to read, write, listen and speak English language in studious setting such as College, University, school etc. It calculates your said ability with such accuracy that no one will doubt its score.

This test (PBT) paper-based test is held regularly in Pakistan. Points/scores/results of this test are valid for 2 years only and it is effective from the test date.


This section has been divided into three parts. And total duration is of 30-40 minutes.

First part consists of 30 questions related to the short conversation which is played at the test.

Second part consists of 8 questions related to the longer conversation which you listened.

Third part consists of 12 questions related to the lecture/talk/speck.

Structure and Written Expression

The total duration for this activity is of 25 minutes. It has two tasks basically, the first one being solving 15 exercises of completing the sentence with different words correctly. The second phase is of identification of errors in 25 exercises.

Reading Comprehension

The duration of this section is of 55 minutes. It contains 50 questions relevant to the passages in reading comprehension section.


The duration of this section is 30 minutes. The assignment is of writing an essay comprising of words ranging from 240 to 310 on average.

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