Immigration 2023

Immigration to Canada


A lot of hype is being seen in vast majorities of people all around the world who are interested in immigrating to Canada, due to its vast variety of job and education opportunities for new immigrants. The immigrants who go to Canada and become a permanent resident after some time will be able to enjoy several educational benefits as well as job in various fields. Immigrants who come to Canada must know that if you are in search for job opportunities, you will be requiring a number of freely available Canadian immigration information resources, plus one more important thing that is determination. Determination is considered to be the most important part in your success.

How to find Job Opportunities before Applying for Canadian Work Permit

Below I have discussed some tips to help you in finding job opportunities before applying for Canada immigration work permit:

  • If you have decided to come to Canada in search of job, you will first need to decide whether you want a work permit for short-term or for long term residence. In the entire world, the Canadian Immigration System is the only system which incorporates work permits in their permanent resident applications effectively. If you have applied for long term residence work permit of Canada you will be able to get Canadian citizenship three to four years earlier as compared to short term residence work permit.
  • You will have to narrow down your search to provincial level in Canada, because it is considered to be easier to spot employers. Canada is the only country in the entire globe which delegates nominating immigrants to provinces. After narrow downing your research, use the Canadian labor market information and also the foreign workers statistics to search which province requires your skills.
  • You will also need to familiarize yourself with the provincial government requirements for the foreign workers. You can effortlessly get the related information about the immigration requirements for foreign workers free of cost on the province’s official website. Moreover, you will also be able to download application forms for immigration visas and work permits from here.
  • You can also build a list of potential employers by looking at the Canadian trade publications. You can read the interviews with industry leaders, job reviews and make your own notes of how you can do that job well. You will also have to pay attention to the industrial terms used in Canada as it will help you extraordinarily in your job interviews.

Skilled Workers Categories in 2021/22

In Canada, the skilled immigrants or workers are selected as permanent residents according to their capability to settle and take share in the economy of the country. The Canadian Immigration system asses the skilled workers on their education level, work experience, English or other language skills and many other factors which are shown to help beginnersflourish in Canada. From January 2022, a new scheme has been introduced which will accomplish how people with skillful experience apply for Canada Immigration visa.

The Canada immigration visa is also known as Express Entry. Under Express Entry category, the people will first have to complete an online profile which will consist of their language test scores, work experience level and their educational testimonialvaluation if it is required. The submission and completion of the Express Entry profile is done free of cost. The new immigrants can use the Express Entry if they are willing to apply under Central Skilled Worker Program, Canadian Experience Class, Provincial Nominee and Federal Skilled Trades Platform.

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