Immigration 2023

How to Check Satellite view of your home


A Google map is a facility launched by the Google. This service offers satellite descriptions, airborne photography, street maps, real condition and route preparation for travelers, foot, vehicles, bicycle or through public transport. Google maps provide different services for route planner offers guideline for drivers, bikers and pedestrian. That provides the facility during their traveling from one place to another point. This enables the users to view and steer through horizontal and vertical panoramic view of street or site entire world.



A Google map is a facility launched by the Google. This service offers satellite descriptions, airborne photography, street maps, real condition and route preparation for travelers, foot, vehicles, bicycle or through public transport. Google maps provide different services for route planner offers guideline for drivers, bikers and pedestrian. That provides the facility during their traveling from one place to another point. This enables the users to view and steer through horizontal and vertical panoramic view of street or site entire world. Currently, the Google maps offer the users that they can mark their home, office or workplace on Google maps. A Google map is also used for the correct direction from one unknown place to another. The Google map also provides the exact distance from one point to another just as your kid's school distance from your home. Google maps provide this facility permanently sand there is no need to type these addresses again and again. Let's see how to get started.

How to mark your home on Google maps

The followings are few steps which are required to fulfill for the marking of your home on Google map. Initially it is necessary that you have to launch the Google maps app and ensure that you have been signed in to pour Google account. However, for this just knocks the menu icon that is available next to the Google maps search bar. In case you are signed in then your name and profile photo will appear.

After this the followings steps will be followed.
1. First, of all go to search bar and type the word “Home”.
2. Then, select the word home that will appear in your drop down menu in Google search result.
3. There will be a prompt from Google asking you if you want to set home location, then press “Add.”
4. After this, type your home address or put your home address, it should be completed with street number and after competing this it will appear on Google map.
5. In case you want to save your business location on the Google amp then same process will be required for this.

Similarly, you have another option for the saving of required location like office or home. 1. First, of all open or browse the Google maps.
2. Then, click the menu icon that is close to search bar.
3. Once you have signed in to Google maps, there will an option known as “Your places.” Then click yours required option like Home. In case it is not appeared then you have to sign in for this.
4. Now you can select your desire location like home or work and it will enter. In case you have already given the address and saved and there will be another tap the X next each place to remove it.
5. After clicking “Home” or “Work, type in address that is required by you.

After, completions this process your home address will appear on the Google map permanently. However, next time when you require distance from any place to your home then you have to just type “Home”. The auto drops down will generate with your address in it. The Google maps will also facilities you to find the distance between restaurant, grocery shop, hospital, park, bus stand, etc. The Google maps have different advantages for navigation of different location. It is vital for the tourists, travelers and other visitors that provide the complete picture of their destination. This modern facility is outstanding and there is no need to ask the question from someone about your require goal.

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