Ielts preparation

IELTS test format in Pakistan


To be successful in ILETS exams one should know about the pattern of these exams and some special techniques for answering the respective questions. Don’t be deceived by someone who tells you that you are excellent in English you don’t need any preparation, you will get full marks even if you don’t know English. Two weeks of training is recommended if you have good English skills or you have the basic right. This period is not fixed to two weeks, this is directly involved with your understanding level of English and varies from 6 months to 2 weeks. Since the registration fee for the test is very high, you need to prepare yourself for the test after all the required hard work. If you don’t get the required band score in this test then you need to resubmit the fee and give the test again. So you must clear the test in the first attempt. Let’s have a look at the format.

Successful Candidate must complete the following four Modules:

  1. Listening

The recorded voice is played only one consisting of little duration. After the recording, 10 minutes are given to solve 40 questions related to that recording. These 40 questions are subdivided into 4 categories each has 10 questions. The question can be, multiple-choice, short answers, fill in the blanks, sentence completion, summary, labeling a map/Plan/Diagram and matching, etc.

  1. Reading

Reading has two versions one is Academic and the other is General training version. A candidate is 3 readings from some advertisement, brochure, catalog, newspaper, book or magazine. Each module (Academic & General Training) has three sections and 40 questions. Format of questions from this reading has different levels, first section contains questions pertaining to your linguistic skills and another section is regarding grammar, etc. The time allowed for each section is 20 minutes.    

  1. Writing

Like the reading module, it also has two sections one is Academic and the other is General Training section. 20 minutes are allowed to solve section 1 whereas 40 minutes for section 2. The length of article while answering section 1 must be 150 words at least while in section 2 it must be of 250 words.

In section 1, candidate will be provided with a diagram, data, picture, table or a chart. The candidate is asked to describe what he sees in words (150 words at least).

In section 2, candidate has to describe his point of view, problems and arguments. The candidate is required to solve the problems, arguments with illustration were necessary for words (at least 250)

  1. Speaking

In this module, an interview is conducted between the examiner and candidate. The duration of this interview is usually 10 to 15 minutes. This interview can be divided into 3 parts,

  1. Introduction of candidate
  2. Speech on a Topic
  3. Dialogue on an Abstract Issue

The first Part takes about 3 to 4 minutes in which the candidate introduces himself to the examiner, his name, his hobbies, his favorite movies/stars/games, etc.

Second part has also 3 to 5 minutes duration. A topic is given to the candidate on which he delivers a lecture or some of his opinion about the topic.

Third part is of 5 minutes duration approximately in this section the examiner and candidate engage in a dialogue on a abstract topic.

This module is for the assessment of fluency, grammatical accuracy, and consistency of the English language. This module decides whether you can communicate in English effectively or not.

Listening, Reading, and Writing in the same order as written are conducted consecutively without taking any break in between in one day. The speaking test can be relaxed to be held within a total of 7 days. This is at the east of the test conducting center they call you when they feel appropriate.

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